Monday, October 09, 2006

She Talks To Angels...

AND DEMONS! Oh holy hell. When will it ever end?

On Saturday I took the new roomie out for drinks to celebrate the new move in! I even invited some friends of mine out to say, "Hey guys! See, she's cool, right? Right?" Maybe it was the liquor. Maybe it was the fact that she swore she was a master at Skeetball and proceeded to demonstrate her mad skills, as well as clue us in to "tricks of the trade" that vastly improved our own skeetball scores...instantly. Regardless, we were hanging on her every word. Until...

She casually mentioned that Ghosts often appear to her. (Ummmm,what? C'mon! This can't be happening!) According to the girl that I have commited to sharing a living space with for the next 12 months, she grew up with a ghost in her house. She gave a detailed description of how this ghost was a "menacing" spirit that would move her Mother's keys when she set them on the counter, and that the ghost was so upset when they decided to move, that he flooded their house the day they sold it.

Pardon the expression, but Jesus Christ! We lived together before, why is this just now coming up? Nobody at the bar was even fazed by anything she was saying. Just listening and nodding with baited breath. Don't get me wrong, learning the secret to a mean game of Skeetball is pretty cool, but is it enough to totally ignore the fact that this story is a little freaky? Of course it is! Because they don't have to live with her... I DO!!!!!!

It gets worse.

Apparently, she has also had a ghost caress her face when she was crying. Then there was the time she was completely awake and a swarm of bees filled her bedroom. They went away when she hid under the covers and started praying...

Oh ok.

Now I've prayed for some crazy stuff before, but it usually involved getting my period or winning the lottery. I hope to God I never start a prayer off with, "Dear Lord, Thank you for this food and please make the bees in my room go away." Because the truth is, I've never been bitten by a bee. I don't even know if I'm allergic, but I'm not in the mood to find out anytime soon.

I think I heard once that ghosts only appear to certain people. Fine. I better not become one of those "people". As long as any ghost that visits stays in her room and doesn't invade our common areas like the living room, bathroom, and kitchen, I can't really complain. So that's it. I'm living with the Ghost Whisperer. Wish me luck.


Blogger "said" Woman said...

A wedding??? I'm starting to think ghosts have more of a social life than I do...

4:59 PM  
Blogger Sister Mary Lisa said...

My mom talks to ghosts through Rebecca, her medium. Hmmmmm. Let us know if the roomie has any ghostly experiences. If it's gonna happen, this would be the month for it.

1:41 PM  

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