Sunday, February 18, 2007


I wish my Aunt would get a new portable phone for her house. It's so big and has one of those metal antennas you have to pull out to get reception. Every time I dial a number I feel like I am unknowingly typing in a code that will detonate a bomb in some far off place.


Blogger Jojo - is angry. said...

I have very similar thoughts at times. at times not.

But, sometimes, the thought of whether or not every time I flush the toilet I might be depleting the amazon rain forests' (where my favorite furn gulley lives) water supply gets me very angry and confused with myself, for being soooo self-centered. so, I just have to tell myself, "shhh...shhh...Jojo...toilets might be stealing water, but they do so because they have been misguided...cause they believed in the tales told to them by older, meaner toilets, they Do Not steal water like the evil, dark NGO's do that steal things from the beautiful rain forests for their own ways.

What can you say, people are cruel.

12:41 AM  

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