Tuesday, July 04, 2006

A real live niece of my Uncle Sam...

Just some thoughts on July the 4th...

I have a friend who's birthday is on July the 4th. I highly suspect that deep down she believes those fireworks go off in her honor every year.

I have a hard time believing people who say, "I support the troops but I don't support the war". It sounds patronizing. That's like finding out your daughter is a stripper and saying, "I support your career but I don't support the whole sweaty, naked, dancing for dollars part." If your daughter is a stripper you're pissed. Say it. If we're at war and you don't agree you're pissed. Say it. When you separate the issues it gets confusing... for the strippers and the soldiers, not to mention the simple-minded people we have running this country.

My family shops at the FSK mall. It was named for Francis Scott Key who is buried in that town. He wrote the National Anthem. Since we shop there, I guess that makes us patriots and capitalists. I love this country.

People want to change the National Anthem to "America the Beautiful". The main arguments are that the words to the current National Anthem are too hard to remember and the tune is too difficult to sing. My thoughts are this...If you can't remember the words to one song, you're not going to remember the words to the other one. Stupid is stupid. If you find singing a song one of the more difficult things you have to do...you must have an awesome life.

Have a great Independence Day everyone. Whether you are in a "Forrest Gump" or "Born on the Fourth of July" kind of mood, I hope you take the time to reflect. Best Wishes to all!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi ilike ur take........i mean lots of ppl do dat.....say sumthin n do sumthin which i seriously hate.......vat can anybody do dats d way d world works ..........and how is ur chinese laundry guy anyways?

3:13 PM  
Blogger "said" Woman said...

Thanks for the compliment Anusha! As far as my Chinese Laundry guy goes, I promise to keep you updated if there are any new developments! Usually I send out my wash every two weeks, because I have a healthy supply of socks and underwear, so until then...

3:29 PM  

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